How It All Began 1971 -1982 (Copied exactly from the original scrolls - Ed)
In 1971, during a meeting of the Fellowship of Kent and Sussex cyclists, four of our local friends: Jim Catt, Ted Harrison, Arthur James and Ted Upton, agreed they wanted more meetings to visit more country inns and enjoy the countryside. The area covered by FKSC was so large riders in Kent had to use other transport to attend only two meetings per year. So the four got together and arranged to meet on Sunday 24th October 1971 at The Red Lion Herne Hill. Here, they enjoyed good company, good ale and good conversation, leading to the forming of the Potterers cycling club. All agreed, riding to the meeting was the answer, especially Jim Catt who came on his trike. Plans were made and hopes expressed, that the spirit of The Potterers be kept alive. Invitations were made to prospective members - without much response.
The next meet was held at The White Horse - Chilham, where a smoking fire drove them into the next bar. But good food and good company made up for the inconvenience.
The next meeting was to be 30th January 1972 at The Rose and Crown - Perry Wood, but after a heavy fall of snow, the meeting was re-arranged to The Four Horseshoes Graveney. But after only one pint in cold and unfriendly surroundings, they braved the weather and went to Perrywood. John was the landlord with a blazing log fire, Jim Catt prayed that they would get snowed in.
On 30th July 1972, the meet was at The Compasses - Sole Street, sandwiches and ale lasted all the afternoon.
For good reasons, the club did not meet again until 3rd December 1972 at The Red Lion Herne Hill. A lovely day to celebrate the club's steady progress.
Sunday 16th September 1973, a good meet, excellent company and members on tandem trikes.
Sunday 23rd June 1974, a congenial meet at Perrywood.
Mid August 1974, met at The Chequers Challock Lees, sunshine all the way, on tandem trikes.
1975: no official meets. Members met at time trials and socially.
1976, the AGM was held at The Red Lion Herne Hill. Accent was put on quality of members rather than quantity. Len Stevens was made member no.5.
Sunday 27th March 1977, met at a favourite pub, The George - Newnham, joined by the "garden gnome" Darky Cameron. The members went for a walk around the lanes.
Meets held regularly until the AGM on 2nd November 1979, at The Three Horseshoes Staplestreet. The best attended meet so far. 10 members turned up - 4 trikes, 1 solo.
In 1979, there were 41 meets.
Sunday 13th January 1980 at The Mounted Rifleman Luddenham. It was decided that The Potterers were to have no connection with any other body. If ladies should apply to join, they would be Potterettes. By March, Christine Stevens was the first lady after consuming a pint of ale.
In July, 12 members attended the meeting at Chilham.
At the AGM in December 1981, meets for 1982 were published for the first time. Annual income was £48.48 and annual subscription was £2.
On 24th October 1982, members met at The Red Lion Herne Hill to celebrate the anniversary of the club's inauguration.